At Compass Group, our vision of great people, great service, great results places our people first. Research shows that associates respond most positively to personal recognition and feel that it is the most important factor in job satisfaction. As a preferred employer, we want to have a loyal and engaged workforce: great people, who want to stay with us, who will recommend us as a great place to work, and go above and beyond to give great service to our customers. The HERO program is your guide to low-cost, high-impact recognition. The values we share at Compass Group are the framework for this recognition. The moment you see an associate’s actions aligning with our Values, it’s time to celebrate their performance and outstanding effort. HERO, which stands for Helping Everyone Recognize Others, was first introduced in 2006 because you told us that managers need economical and efficient ways to recognize their associates’ daily contributions to the company. Since then, Compass Group’s Values have been refreshed. A revised edition – HERO, Aim Higher - gives the “how” and “why” of proper recognition, and explains how to link recognition to our current Values.
Each printed HERO Recognition Kit contains a manual and CD. The quick reference manual is your guide to low-cost, high-impact recognition, providing tips, inspiration, and resources. The CD contains 10 certificates and 10 note cards, each of which is available in English or Spanish. Recognition can be as simple as popping the HERO CD into your computer, selecting a certificate or note card, personalizing it, and printing it out. Presenting instant, tangible recognition, in front of peers, is an exceptional way to say “thank you” for going above and beyond. Once you try it, you will be amazed at how easy it is! Recognizing associates every day, at every level of the organization, is the key to great people and real opportunities. Recognition isn’t about how much you spend; it’s about sincere appreciation for a job well done. HERO gives you the opportunity to recognize your stellar associates. Remember, it’s not something extra to do; it’s something natural to do!
For a PDF copy of the HERO, Aim Higher Manual, click here.
To award your associates with HERO certificates or note cards in English or Spanish, click on one of the options below.
English Spanish
For instructions for how to use the certificate and note card templates, click here. For more information or questions about HERO, send an email to